Pontoka is a portmanteau of ‘ponto’ (Latin for bridge builder) and ‘toka’ (Sanskrit for newborn).
Our purpose is to bridge the ESG principles with corporate strategies and thereby giving life to new, visionary growth.
Business as usual just isn’t good enough. We believe that in order to drive innovation for the future, boost profitability, improve investor confidence, strengthen brand reputation and reduce regulatory risks, companies must embrace ESG as an opportunity rather than a mere tick-box exercise.
Our core mission is to partner with companies to construct and co-execute tailor-made ESG strategies; leveraging on our experts’ insights, experiences and relationships to the world’s leading ESG innovators and ecosystems. We want to demonstrate how being ESG focused and a profitable business are not polar opposites.
We know that embarking on a meaningful ESG roadmap requires the deep involvement and commitment of the senior management and approvals at the board level. Moreover, it is imperative for the wider organisation to understand why and how the ESG principles relate to their respective work functions and business units. As a result, we conduct workshops and form project groups which engage all relevant stakeholders while inviting ‘outside in’ perspectives from relevant experts in the process.
Our areas of expertise:
Tailor-made ESG strategies
Implementation support
Capacity building
ESG due diligence
Why Pontoka?
To solve the complex task of elevating ESG-related improvements in established businesses, it is critical to ‘get it right’ from the start - regardless of its starting point - and work structurally and coherently towards the set ambitions.
Pontoka has built a high caliber team that possesses the relevant insight and experience to handhold your organisation throughout the journey while mitigating execution risks.
We put a premium on conducting tailor-made value propositions rather than canned ESG solutions. Before we embark on any efforts, we consider your industry, your company USPs, your size/resources and your corporate strategy.
Our roots in Denmark and collaboration with ESG innovators internationally give us an elevated vantage point in terms of forecasting the evolution of the ESG movement.
Being ‘ahead of the game’ empowers our clients to shape initiatives well in advance.
Our engagement model
We believe there is no one size fits all solution in this domain. Instead of short-term plug-and-play solutions, we drive long-term value creation by co-creating bespoke solutions through one on one engagement. We like our clients to see us as partners on their journey towards ESG leadership.